"فگانگ شوبله، وزير کشور آلمان امروز در گفتگو با مجله آلمانی دي سايت گفت اکنون همه روزنامه هاي اروپايي بايد اين کاريکاتورها را با اين توضيح منتشر کنند: ما انتشار آنها (کاريکاتورها) را رقت انگيز مي دانيم اما منطقي هم نيست که در واکنش به اعمال آزادي بیان و مطبوعات به خشونت متوسل شد."
گفتني است هفده روزنامه دانمارکي در اواسط ماه فوريه در دفاع از آزادی بیان، اين کاريکاتور ها منتشر کردند. اين اقدام براي همبستگي با طراح آن که هدف يک عمليات تروریستی نافرجام قرار گرفته بود، منتشر شد . وزير کشور آلمان از اين تصميم روزنامه هاي دانمارک قدرداني کرد و گفت اين اقدام نشان داد که آنها اجازه نمي دهند دچار دو دستگي شوند.
Labels: سیاسی
About the festival:
The society of
I am a woman a half of a man, my world is apart of man's. In this society I am not recognized as an independent human being. I am dependent on man and am defined in relation to man. I am somebody's wife, mother, and sister. Society, laws and family do not recognize me as an independent being. I am not independent in economic, lawful, social or sexual terms. My life has been decided for me. To work, study, and travel I have to get the man's permission. My sexual life is decided by the man and I don't have the right to live on my own. I can not choose who I want to share my life with. I have no right to get custody of my children.
As Maryam Namazi - an Iranian women activist says the 'situation of women living in
Blowing of the wind through her hair is a wish for my teenage daughter.
As an advocate of equality and freedom for women's rights, I strongly believe that we have to challenge any laws, religion, tradition, cultural and beliefs which are against women's rights. And I believe that a secular system that ensures unconditional equality for all the society's members and freedom of expression can also ensure success over sexist culture. In the 21st century it is time that women have to get freedom and equality, decided for their own life and how to live a life, and have their own independent identities.
Labels: زنان